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RHC Series


? “Best  in Class”  Thermal Conductivity( 0.8 W / m K ) 

? Dielectric Constant Stability across Wide Temperatures( - 9  pp m / ℃)

? Very  Low Loss Tangent  provides Higher Amplifier or Antenna  Efficiency

? Priced Affordably for Commercial Application

? High  Peel  Strength for Reliable

Copper Adhesion in thermally stressed applications

? Meet Military Standard for Shock and Impact Resistance Test


? Heat Dissipation and  Management

? Improved Processing and Reliability

? Large  Panel Sizes  for Multiple Circuit Layout for lowered Processing Costs

Typical Applications:

? Power Amplifiers, Filters and Couplers

? Tower Mounted Amplifiers (TMA) and Tower Mounted Boosters (TMB)

? Thermally Cycled Antennas sensitive to dielectric  drift

? Microwave Combiner  and Power Dividers


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