

Current Position: Home - Corporate Responsibility - ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION


We care about the environment.

We strive to use natural resources in a responsible manner to minimize the environmental impact of our production activities. These include maximizing energy efficiency in operations and using sustainable packaging and green chemicals wherever possible in R&D and production activities.

Employees should do their utmost to reduce the environmental footprint of their daily work, including the application of precautions for all levels of waste (avoidance, reduction, recycling and utilization of all materials). Related examples include:

Effective use of energy.

Employees should consider the most efficient use of energy and work hard to find opportunities to reduce energy consumption in the workplace. Includes equipment to turn off the lights and turn off the office/laborator when not in use.

In accordance with regulatory or compliance requirements, production and equipment supervisors should consider the efficient use of energy (eg, temperature, humidity, etc.) within acceptable limits when establishing and managing clean room and other indoor condition set points.

Review the improvement projects proposed by employees and prioritize the improvement projects that can improve energy efficiency.

Recycling or reducing waste.

Employees should avoid waste and adopt a recycling program based on the recycling program. Environmental impact should be considered before printing emails or other work files.

The supply chain department should consider simplifying the packaging or reducing the size of the package and using environmentally friendly materials.

Production personnel should consume raw materials and energy in a controlled manner, and strive to reduce the generation of waste, waste water, waste gas, noise, and the like.

Sales personnel should choose safe and energy-efficient cars or public transport to save fuel and reduce carbon dioxide emissions.

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